KZV-111-COMBI - Avtomatska Stroj za Opremljanje Palet
- Top-mounted sealing unit
- 1 KSR sealing unit and 1 vertical arch
- Moveable strap lance for strapping palletized goods
- 1-column construction up to 2,000mm
- 2-column construction up to 2,000/2,400 mm with pressure
Stretch wrapper
- Turntable diameter Ø 1,800 or 2,200mm
- Max. load for turntable: 3,000 kg weight and pressure
- Max. pallet size according to turntable dimensions
- Max. wrapping height (incl. pallet): 2,400mm
- Optical sensor for pallet height scanning
- Soft start and soft stop for turntable frequency controlled
- Frequency controlled speed of the turntable
- Frequency controlled speed of the lift slide
- Turntable stop in starting position
- Easy to operate
Application:Pallet strapping